Sunday, August 22, 2010

School Time!!

The first day of school is such a drag for some and such an uplifting momentous occasion for others. My boys? It's a drag. Summers over and now there's homework. No staying up late(or all night long) playing video games. Boo Hoo. For me? It's the most glorious day of the year. A day where I can start a new routine. Summertime is HOT and unorganized. You don't know what's going to happen one day from the next. I REALLY need routine. I LOVE routine. The first day of school is like the first day of spring...a new beginning. I can clean the house as soon as the boys are out the door and not have to worry about it for at least 6 hours. That's a perfect day. I can then go up into the art room and paint until my hearts content. Or not paint at all. I think my first project will be organizing last years school work. Any suggestions on how YOU organize schoolwork?Ian is now a senior.

Jacob is in the 8th grade this year.

Owen is in the 5th grade this year.

They remind me often that next year will be the worst year yet for me. They will all be changing schools. Ian to college, Jacob to high school, and Owen to middle school. I should start making plans NOW for counseling.

Hope you're having a blessed August!
Stay cool!


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