Ian is probably going to kill me for posting this. Some seniors from school came over to work on a project....a modern version of Robin Hood. Guess who played Robin Hood. Yes. Ian. It was comical.
Here they are in my kitchen planning...Ian is on the far left in the yellow tights.

This is Owen, Ian, Jacob, and Katy. Owen got to play Ian's mini me, a younger
version of Robin Hood. Jacob was someone he robbed.

This is my favorite...Ian on top of the neighbors swing set introducing himself as Robin Hood.

The two poor girls with the poor dog (Comet got to be involved too).

Stealing from the rich on the left to give to the poor on the right.
The cast: Alex Lane
(Rich Guy), Owen
(Young Robin Hood), Alex Hochstetler
(Videographer), Katy Ramsey
(Poor Girl), Jessie Ruf
(Poor Girl), Catherine Willis
(Rich Girl), Jacob
(Young Rich Guy who got robbed), and Ian
(Robin Hood) and Comet
(Played Himself).

It snowed!!! We NEVER get this much snow. N.E.V.E.R. Comet wouldn't go outside and when he had to...well, you might notice the paw prints followed by the yellow snow on the patio below. He HATED the snow. Didn't like it at all.


Hope you're having a great week!
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