Well, we're nearing the end of summer. It's been a great few months...loud yes...but great. And hot. So stinkin' hot that I can barely stand it. We have no curtains in our house....just blinds. That's going to change before next summer. I hung a SLEEPING BAG over the double windows in the breakfast room because the sun comes straight through there in the morning. I hung a blanket over the double windows in the office because that's where the sun is in the afternoon. My house is ALWAYS hot!
I am so ready for Fall! Fall is my favorite season.
The colors of Fall make me so VERY happy.
The past few months have been busy and emotional. The boys are growing up so fast. Ian graduated high school in May and turned 18 the same week. He starts college in a couple weeks. Weird to have an adult child.

School started this week for the younger two. Thank goodness things will get back to being blissfully normal because I'm not good without a schedule.
This year sets a milestone for our family. Ian graduated and heads to college. Jacob starts high school and Owen starts middle school. No longer do I have an elementary aged child. I think as emotional as I am I'm handling it fairly well though. lol

The boys had a great first day but the second day, today, there was a BOMB THREAT at the high school. The SECOND day of school! All the parents were running around in frantic chaos trying to check their kids out afterwards....it was a mess. I worried mostly about how Jacob would handle it...turns out he was fine and I was the one freakin out. The crazy guys that called in the bomb threat were caught, luckily, just a couple hours ago.
The first day of Jacobs first year in high school.
The first day of Owens first day in middle school.
So now that we're getting back into a routine I have a lot to do around here. Working on my art is my main goal this fall. Christmas On Madison Avenue is November 12 so I've got to get some stuff done. The planning part is already underway so it's bound to get busier as it gets closer.
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