Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend!

We had my sweet niece, Emma Kate for almost a week so Gina and Rob could help the flood victims in Bellevue. She is so much fun.

Her and Uncle Ben taking a walk...

Wearing Uncle Ben's Florida State cap...
She's a tired baby when a thumb goes in her mouth and her other thumb
goes to her belly button.
See? Thumb in mouth and thumb in belly button....
She's got her baby in her backpack...
Comet swimming...

EK's big sis, Delaney, came for the weekend and Owen was thrilled!
They played under the tree with the neighbor on Saturday.
Ben keeping an eye on his sunflower seeds and the kids...

Sunday we went to my favorite place on earth. A place I don't get to go often enough.
My grandparents farm.
Below is three of my favorite people in the whole world...Mom, Granny, and Aunt Bobbie.
Uncle Ben trying to nap with Emma Kate.
Katy and Ian
View from Granny and Papaws house down to the house where my Papaw grew up.

Sweet Jake
Wonder how many sodas this made for Owen?

My Three Sons..
Owen and Emma Kate
Look at this gorgeous 5 year old...Delaney.

Owen is trying to be sneaky with the cousins around.
Cousins Dylan, Julianne, and Anna Grace
Julie(is it bad to say she's my FAVORITE family member?
She is one of the most Godly women I know) and her baby, Elizabeth
My sweet Papaw and Cameron (Julies oldest..same age as Ian)
on the guitar playing for some friends...
Emma Kate wanting to play with the older kids..
Katy and Ian
Patrick (Julies husband) playing with Emma Kate.
I love this woman...I absolutely. love. love. love. this. awesome. lady.
My sweet Aunt Bobbie, Julies mom.
Julianne about to sing with her big brother, Cam, playing the guitar.
They are all as talented as their mom, Julie.
And my favorite lady in the whole mommy. :O)
Isn't she gorgeous?

And where do she and Aunt Bobbie get their good looks? Right here..
Emma Kate
I love it when this baby smiles...
Woops...dropped the sippy...

Love this picture...
Ben's tired...

Patrick and Anna...
Aren't they gorgeous? Aunt Bobbie and my mom, Ann.
Cameron playing...
Cam and Aunt Bobbie (Cam's grandmother) playing a singing on the front porch.

Katy and Emma Kate playing peekaboo.

So that's it. That was our Mother's Day weekend.

I hope you had a great weekend too!!



Emily said...

Thanks for posting these photos! It looks like you all had a great day! What a pretty family we have!:-) I miss ROSS CREEK!!!!!!!! Anyway, love the blog Tra. Miss you. Love you! Em

Emily said...

Thanks for posting these photos! It looks like you all had a great day! What a pretty family we have!:-) I miss ROSS CREEK!!!!!!!! Anyway, love the blog Tra. Miss you. Love you! Em

Anonymous said...

Very good blogging